Jun 24, 2022
Menstruation is the body's renewal period. Make it a quiet and relaxing time as the body goes through a hormonal shift.
Poses to Do
Take the time to rest. One can rest in the poses where the back is supported by a bolster so the abdominal organs are relaxed and the organs get more space. This also helps to alleviate cramps. Rest in these poses for as long as you can. Restorative Poses to do -
Supported Bound-Angle Pose
Legs up the wall - with upper and lower back flat on the floor
Supported Seated Forward Bends - with caution - if there is no abdominal or lower back discomfort
Savasana and its variations (side lying)
Poses to Avoid
During the menstrual cycle, toxins are being released from the body, so one should avoid all inversions. Inverted poses are the poses where the abdominal region is higher than the heart. Inverted Poses to Avoid -
Downward Facing Dog
Peacock pose
Plow pose
Any type of inversion
Deep backbends
Twists should be done with ease
Save the inverted poses for other days of the month.
Focus on resting during these days with the restorative poses as mentioned above. I hope you feel rested, renewed and at ease after doing these poses. Take care!