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"You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul."   

                                                                          -Swami Vivekananda  


  • Fire of Love - for students of Yoga​​  - by Aadil Palkhivala

Aadil writes on important aspects of yoga and life - Humility, Integrity, Love, Faith, Patience and more - how to develop and cultivate these in the asana practice and in day-to-day life.​


  • Sunlit Path - by The Mother (from Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherry)

Yoga philosophy - Spiritual answers to face the problems of daily life. The Mother said - 'There is a path of struggle and then there is the sunlit path.'


  • Living Within - by Sri Aurobindo & The Mother

Yoga philosophy in depth. An answer to all your questions - the path to go within and live within.


  • Many Lives Many Masters - by Brian L. Weiss

​Based on a true story written by Dr. Brian - a psychiatrist, where a girl seeks a cure for chronic anxiety attacks. During the treatment, she remembers her past lives... many many lives. The book basically touches on how souls re-connect life after life, the influence of our past life experiences on our current behavior and the secrets of life and death. There are beautiful messages of life throughout the book especially in the sections where the 'Masters speak' that touched me the most!


  • Tuesdays with Morrie - by Mitch Albom

The book is about life's greatest lessons shared by a dying professor with his pupil. He talks about various things that give life and promote health - as simple as a warm hug, or providing selfless service to the community and about deep lessons such as forgiveness and letting go. Truly life's lessons - to learn and follow!


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