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20 minutes of Practice

Marjarasana (Cat-cow)

Adho mukha svanasana (Downward facing dog)

Phalakasana (Plank)

Vanarasana (Lunge)


Virabhadrasana - II (Warrior II)

Marichyasana III

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose)


6. Full Bridge Pose

  • Release the interlock of the fingers, bend your elbows and place the palms (fingers pointing away) underneath your lower back or kidneys.


  • Voila!! You have achieved the Bridge pose.

  • Stay in the pose for about 1-2 minutes with smooth breaths.

7. Rest after the Pose

  • Resting is important after bridge pose to feel the effects of the pose


  • Let the lower back and torso rest on the floor

  • Keep the knees knocked together and feet apart

  • Place the fingertips on the belly

  • Relax and feel the breath

You worked on first half of the journey - So High-Five  :)

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